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Bowing to Babylon

Bowing to Babylon

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Ten Times Wiser

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Book Library

America and the Ten Commandments
From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courth...

Second Coming

Wars and Commotions
There were 35 ongoing conflicts at the end of 2003. Onl...

Bible Trivia

Bible Quiz on Health
What does the Bible say about food? Take this simple Bible quiz and see how well you know what the Bible says about health....

BU Blog

1 and 2 Chronicles
A theme of Chronicles is the re-establishment of Israel...

First Advent

Preceded By Elijah
Anciently, when a king journeyed through the less frequ...

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Now you can dig deeper into the teachings of the Bible through this free online Bible course. These Bible Study Guides are easy to follow and can be studied at your own pace....

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Ultimate Resource
In a time of so many distractions—television, Internet, etc.—Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessings for those who daily receive His bread of truth....

Q & A

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it...

Hymn of the Day

Give Me the Bible
Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming, To cheer the wanderer lone and tempest tossed, No storm can hide that peaceful radiance beamin...

Audio Blog

Can people really talk to the dead?
Can people really talk to the dead? The Bible clearly t...

Creation and Evolution

What was the light God made at the start of creation?
What was the light God made at the start of creation? I...


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