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Hold Fast Till I Come

Lyrics Only

1. Sweet promise is given to all who believe;
"Behold I come quickly Mine own to receive;
Hold fast till I come; the danger is great;
Sleep not as do others; be watchful, and wait."

"Hold fast till I come;" sweet promise of heaven;
"The kingdom restored, to you shall be given!"
"Come, enter My joy, sit down on My throne;
Bright crowns are in waiting; hold fast till I come."

2. We'll "watch unto prayer" with lamps burning bright;
He comes to all other a "thief in the night."
We know He is near, but know not the day;
As spring shows that summer is not far away.

3. Yes! this is our hope, 'tis built on His word;
The glorious appearing of Jesus, our Lord;
Of promises all, it stands as the sum:
"Behold I come quickly, hold fast till I come."

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Hymn Details

Year Written
Year Composed
Key Signature
Time Signature
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